The world becomes a better place when we take steps to influence, steps to bring remarkable change in society.
Our team led by HR Team Leader Connie Kaburu, and Digital Marketing & PR Leader Lydia A. K. Misati was joined by the Board Chairman, Sogoo High School & CEO Lanx Africa DM Tanki to donate computers to the students of Sogoo High School. This gesture aims to bridge the computer literacy gap in the country. The best way to solve a problem is to identify a solution and at Statpack Industries we believe in offering solutions.
Beyond service, there should also be an impact, and even as we make waves within the packaging industry, we prioritize community needs. The future is within the youth and to support them at an early age is indeed a need.
We are hopeful that the digital divide in society is slowly but surely closing, with the right solutions and we are part of the bridge that will soon close the disparity in computer /digital literacy.